About Us

Discovering Purpose and Transformation

We believe in making known the reality and relevance of God's love and saving grace to a seeking world through the preaching and teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our passion is in-depth exploration of the Scriptures, equipping individuals with a rich understanding of God's Word. 

We teach and minister the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as being available and essential to all believers, empowering them to experience the supernatural in their daily lives. Through insights on the Kingdom mindset, Kingdom invasion, spiritual gates and portals, and more, we equip individuals for spiritual warfare and to represent the Kingdom with power wherever they go.

We teach and minister Biblical Healing. focusing on the physical, emotional, and spiritual wholeness that Christ has paid for. In His Presence, through the Holy Spirit, by personal prayer ministry, individuals can encounter God's healing touch. We believe in the tangible manifestation of His power and seeing lives transformed by His love.

We teach and minister the gifts of the Holy Spirit, through which individuals may receive prophetic words and counseling, bringing them reassurance, clarity and transformation in their lives. We want to lift people into a close and intimate relationship with the One who died for that very purpose.

Our vision is to make known the reality and relevance of God's love and saving grace, while our mission is to impact and invade society with the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. We are committed to serving, empowering, and making a difference in our world and in the lives of others.

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