About Us

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Lion & Eagle Ministries International was founded by Eric and LaVonne Bardell in England in 2006 and later incorporated in America in 2008. Our ministry is driven by a clear vision and mission to make known the reality and relevance of God's love and saving grace to a seeking world through the preaching and ...

Discovering Purpose and Transformation

We believe in making known the reality and relevance of God's love and saving grace to a seeking world through the preaching and teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our passion is in-depth exploration of the Scriptures, equipping individuals with a rich understanding of God's Word. 

We teach and minister the ...

The Significance of God in the Journey of Life

We firmly believe that God is the creator of all things and the source of all wisdom, love, and power. In a world that often faces challenges, uncertainties, and moral ambiguities, we believe that turning to God and embracing His guidance is paramount. We are dedicated to helping people connect with God, ...

Lionheart Champions Church

If you're looking for a church that is far from the mainstream, majorly loving, authentic, refreshingly transparent and honest, you have found one! Lionheart Champions Church is by no means church as usual, but it is genuine, and it is growing. 

A.W. Tozer said: "It is better to have a little church that is real, ...